Pandemic Tip #7: Now you are teaching a short course.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
A common refrain I'm reading in social media is "I don't know how to fit 8 weeks of content in to 6 weeks."

That's the wrong attitude, my friends. Measure in terms of content and credit, not time.

We already have a model for this! Summer courses teach 3 or 4 credits of content in 10 weeks. So now you're being asked to teach 1.5 or 2 credits of content in 6 weeks.

Go back to your learning outcomes. What should students be able to do by the end of the term?
Reflect on your course so far. Which of those outcomes have they already met?

Now look ahead.
  • Which learning outcomes are left? 
  • How can students demonstrate their competency in the new online format? 
  • What resources (readings, videos, lectures, worksheets, etc.) will get them there?
  • How can that work be distributed into modules and scaffolded to help students reach those outcomes?
