Pandemic Tip #3: Give frequent, formative feedback

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels
New to online assignments?

Provide students with timely, formative, and meaningful feedback that communicates areas of strength and areas for improvement.

  • Create holistic or analytic rubrics that define mastery, proficiency, and developing levels of performance.
  • Communicate expected turnaround times for assignments and exams. Give updates (e.g. I have graded half of the students. Scores should be posted tomorrow.)
  • Consider using audio feedback on some assignments to create social presence and personal connection in the online environment. Narrate your review of the assignment, but try to keep it to about 5 minutes.
  • Create “boilerplate” feedback for routine or universal comments. Focus your time on feedback about unique elements of the student’s performance.
If you want to spend time now to save time later, create custom entries for the Autocorrect dictionary in your word processor for the boilerplate feedback. The "misspelling" is a custom code and the "correct spelling" is boilerplate feedback. When grading student papers, insert a comment, type your code, and watch the comment appear when you press the spacebar. Just make sure to use codes that you aren't likely to use anywhere else!

Can't picture what the codes might look like? Here are some of mine
