I create a lot of video and audio files for my online courses. Most of my videos are informal “talking head” or “picture in picture” screencasts of slide desks using Screencast-O-Matic (www.screencast-o-matic.com). The audio files are about as low-tech as you can imagine: earphones with a built-in mic and my phone or a digital voice recorder. But once I have the files ready to go, storing them becomes an issue.
In the past, I have stored my files on either YouTube or MavDisk. Some of you have used Media Manager. OneDrive, the cloud-based file storage service we can access through http://www.mnsu.edu/its/onedrive/, is another option. There are other commercial cloud-based services you might be using, too, but I won’t name them here. ;)
This semester, I’m using the new MediaSpace service. http://mediaspace.mnscu.edu/
Think of MediaSpace like the Minnesota State System version of YouTube. You can upload audio and video files or create new ones. Organize your media into playlists by course, topic, or purpose. Create a channel for students to share videos with each other. It’s really easy to link the media in D2L Brightspace Content. And best of all, the service is available to both faculty and students, so if your students create video introductions at the beginning of the term, presentations of their capstone projects at the end of the term, or anything in between, they can upload it to their MediaSpace account and share it with you.
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