Tip #4: Don't forget to request your D2L Brightspace course!

It can take a day or two for your D2L Course to be created, so don’t wait until the last minute to make your request.

  1. Log in to D2L (www.d2l.mnsu.edu) with your StarID and password.
  2. On the Announcements page, scroll down to Course Tools.
  3. Click Add a Course and follow the prompts to locate your courses.

If you are teaching a 4xx/5xx course, you can merge them together into a single D2L course to manage your workload. Groups can help you distinguish between the graduate and undergraduate students in discussions. Separate assignment folders can help you track student work.  And coming soon: information about differentiating students through the Gradebook, too!

You don’t have to teach online to use D2L Brightspace. Consider using the learning management system to reduce clutter in your inbox, provide the most up-to-date information and files, and increase transparency in your teaching.
  • Post weekly announcements or agendas on the News page.
  • Go paperless by sharing course files like the syllabus and handouts in Content.
  • Administer informal polls using Surveys.
  • Extend classroom conversations online using Discussions.
  • Automate quizzes using (you guessed it) Quizzes.
  • Post scores and feedback in Grades.
