Tip #2: What video conferencing options are available for your online courses and other meetings?

There are many online video conference services available, but this week I am recommending two that I have used for my online courses.
1.       Adobe Connect 9
The Minnesota State System has a contract for Adobe Connect 9. If you were using Adobe Connect last year for your online courses, you may remember that the service was hosted by/at Southwest Minnesota State University. The new version is hosted in the cloud, has full-time support, permits phone-in participants, and has no limitations on number of concurrent users. You will be assigned a permanent URL for meetings, but you can also create unique meetings for different courses as before.
Log in with your StarID and password
Need help during a meeting? Call 1-866-922-9566 Email webhelp@meetme.net Meeting support is provided to Minnesota State by Arkadin Support.
Additional Resources
·        Video Overview -  A short overview of how to access Minnesota State's web conferencing service portal.  Additional support materials are available when you login to the service.
·        ITS Service Desk – If you have a question or need assistance, please submit a ticket for Minnesota State’s web conferencing service, powered by Adobe Connect Meetings.
Minnesota State has secured funding for this service from May 22, 2017 through May 22, 2020.  There is no direct cost for campuses or individual students, faculty, or staff using this service for Minnesota State activities.  Utilization and continuation of this service beyond May 2020 will be assessed in the spring of 2019.
2.       WebEx
Bookmark this URL: http://mnsu.webex.com
Log in with your StarID and password

I haven’t used WebEx very much yet, but I’m trying it out this week for a CETL program. So far, the main differences are that WebEx doesn’t have the breakout feature that puts students into small groups, and I don’t think it allows custom URLs. (Tell me if I’m wrong!) We have used audio, video, chat, and document sharing with only a few hiccups, mostly caused by me and not the software.
